Dear OFW:
I am a Dutch man, I understand your culture, and tradition, and many times I feel sorry, for OFW, far away from home, from family, dear ones. So many times, I hear a OFW returns to home, after a long years of sacrifise. Sending most all they earn home, to help family. I do not criticise, but, what makes me sad, is that many OFW come home, without ever saving one peso for themselves, all went to the family, or others...
I am a Dutch man, I understand your culture, and tradition, and many times I feel sorry, for OFW, far away from home, from family, dear ones. So many times, I hear a OFW returns to home, after a long years of sacrifise. Sending most all they earn home, to help family. I do not criticise, but, what makes me sad, is that many OFW come home, without ever saving one peso for themselves, all went to the family, or others...