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Thursday, May 28, 2015

Dear OFW: Think About Yourself Too

Dear OFW:

I am a Dutch man, I understand your culture, and tradition, and many times I feel sorry, for OFW, far away from home, from family, dear ones. So many times, I hear a OFW returns to home, after a long years of sacrifise. Sending most all they earn home, to help family. I do not criticise, but, what makes me sad, is that many OFW come home, without ever saving one peso for themselves, all went to the family, or others...

I know a OFW personaly, 8 years OFW sending all her earnings home, even works extra work, to even sent more, and...................she dont want to go home, because her family then EVEN expects she comes home with many presents and bags full of money. She has such a lonely life, and cries when others sleep. In some cases the family have business like a rice farm the OFW provides all the financial needs for instance for a rice field but never gets to hear how much was the outcome of the proceeds of the harvest. I feel they have right to know how much money it brought and how that money will be spent if the family don't informed them they do not respect the sacrifice of the OFW it even makes me feel they got cheated and taken for granted.

Yes I understand culture, parents have kids, that will work for them, thats good, but also in western world we have kids out of love and don't expect them, to sacrifise the rest of their lives to support us parents. I do know the difference between rich and poor, dont misunderstand me.

Sad enough, some people at home, cannot handle money, dont know how to invest it well, the money is wasted, or loaned to others, who cannot even pay it back.

I know that from a very good friend, sending all home, in hope it will be saved for her in the bank, returning home after 5 years, not one peso for her.......she hang herselff. Sometimes the own family dont even care, if a OFW has to work far from home, as long as the money comes.......this kind of culture is sad....

Please, consider this, think also about yourself.

why do I write this...because I care, I have seen so much misery in my life......

Hendrik Rozema


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